Shrish Sharma

I'm a Student|


Final Year Student - Computer Science and Engineering

Currently pursuing BTech. in Computer Science and Engineering. I am into Full Stack Web Development.

  • Birthday: 6 August 2000
  • Phone: +91 9669977046
  • City: Guna, India
  • Age: 22
  • Degree: BTech CSE
  • Email:

Besides programming, like watching movies, anime, listening music, and gaming.


I constantly try and work up on my skills. I love exploring these fields and I also wish to master these.

HTML & CSS 90%
JavaScript 85%
English Writing & Speaking 85%
ReactJS 65%
Designing 75%
WordPress/CMS 75%

My Projects

These are my projects.

ToDo List Web Application


My Portfolio

HTML | CSS | JS | Bootstrap

FreeCAD Models

20+ FreeCAD Models

Engineers Fest 2020

HTML | CSS | JS | Bootstrap

Campus Ambassadors

HTML | CSS | JS | Bootstrap

Bus Booking System - GUI

Full Stack GUI Project - Python | Tkinter | SQLite3

Blogify - Tech Blog

React JS | Firebase | Redux

Pin-It - Sticky Notes

React JS | Firebase | Material UI

Illustrio - Image Gallery

React JS | Firebase

Student Result Fetcher

JavaScript | Firebase

Connect With Me!


Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India


+91 9669977046

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